
Microscopy and the Bonghan Vessel

The Bonghan vessel system (the meridians of acupuncture) was discovered by Bong Han Kim of North Korea in the early 1960’s. Actually it was likely discovered before that by some anatomists beginning in the 1600s but those discoveries never gained traction for further study. Kim wrote a total of five papers on this vessel system,

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It’s in the Blood

Last newsletter I talked about a situation in one particular hospital and how the insurance companies were seeming to dictate to a degree the protocols that must be used for various health issues. Some might say that this is health care by the numbers. In a sense it is, it’s just about the numbers that

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What’s Better – Phase Contrast or Dark Field for Nutritional Microscopy?

A RECENT QUESTION: I’m looking into buying a microscope for dark field microscopy for live blood viewing and have found that some people think I should buy a microscope that has a phase contrast turret condenser whereas others think that dark field microscopy can only be done with a microscope having a dedicated dark field

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Blood Dry Layers

Health care and wellness practitioners that use a microscope in their practice for patient education have a unique ability to observe the extent of free radical activity taking place in the body. This is through a procedure called the Dry Layer Oxidative Stress Test. It is very simple. A drop of blood from the finger

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