Biological Terrain Analysis v2

Viewing blood under the microscope gives an education on the qualitative perspective of an individual’s underlying biology. It’s a reflection of the internal “biological terrain” – the “milieu” – of one very important fluid compartment, the blood. But behind the microscope picture lie numbers that can quantify the nature of the picture and point an individual or practitioner in a direction to examine primary homeostatic balance points that strongly affect health.
These balance points, whether in balance or out of balance, can be key to knowing whether an individual has the immune capacity at all levels to bring dynamic health or will have trouble until things are corrected. For practitioners this is the next step for spot on clinical clarity and client education.
If you want to take your microscope work to the next level, or simply want a comprehensive biological terrain understanding that can be practically applied, this is it.
If you want more clinical clarity through a simple approach to biological terrain analysis and applied physiology, and desire a results oriented outcome with clients, you are in the right place.
Merging the best of the greatest scientific minds and applying their constructs and methodologies into one coherent system for health care management.
Utilizing the knowledge of individuals like Claude Bernard, Louis-Claude Vincent, Carey Reams, Emanuel Revici, Wilhelm Schüssler, Thomas Riddick, T.C. McDaniel, Gilbert Ling, George Watson, George Crile, William Kelly, Royal Lee, Masaru Emoto and so many others whose fundamental knowledge has been left out in the cold of traditional health care academia.
Taking their genius and sequencing the best of their ideas and strategies into a hierarchal structure that first, logically points you to the most important concerns, balance points, and interference patterns causing problems in the flow and fluid dynamics of your client, and second, leads you to creative, natural, and non-harmful ways to fix things.
At Biomedx we imagined these very things.
The result was a confluence of the best that terrain, water, and soil science has to offer the field of health care. We call it Flow Systems Auditing, or just Flow Auditing for short.
We believe this work and its understanding is so important that the application and training of it should form a bedrock for all health care practitioners. It is to that end that we include this training at our hands-on workshop done at the Biotorium. This page will provide you a synopsis of what it is about.
What does this all lead to?
- More balanced energy.
- A better immune response.
- Being more productive.
- Clearer thinking.
- A body mass index that doesn’t scream FAT.
This process can put a check to reversing the rampant growth seen today in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and a whole lot more. By simply knowing Flow Auditing and understanding biological terrain and how to appy the work, a clinician (or anyone else) has tremendous power to set health right while being fully grounded in fundamental science and logic.
Here is a rundown of Flow Systems Auditing from the qualitative picture to the quantitive numbers…
Flow Auditing – The Qualitative Perspective
Observing the Visual Reflection of Health as Expressed in the Blood
A world of understanding awaits when one takes a fantastic voyage into the microscopic world of the living blood. Using one of the most sensational forms of health education available, Flow Auditing at the qualitative level can intimately reveal and show the real time, right now, “situational physiology” as it is observed in blood through Biomedx high powered video microscopes.
Through guided observation with an experienced “tour guide”, one can begin to gain a deeper understanding of what health is and does and consequently can proceed to assert the newly gained knowledge for totally transforming one’s physiology for maximum gains in health & life performance.

Flow Auditing – The Qualitative Perspective
Observing the Visual Reflection of Health as Expressed in the Blood
The quantitative aspect of Flow Systems Auditing takes specific measures of urine, saliva, blood pressure, pulse and more and audits for specific response. If a measure under or over-performs beyond the physiological bounds where the best health is known to exist, then appropriate corrective action can be taken.
This action does not entail “treatment” for symptoms, conditions or disease, but instead applies scientific realities and known safe pathways to reestablish and strengthen adaptive capacity, which in turn supports the body’s natural ability to self-heal and provides the framework for maximum performance.
Epigenetics – Yep, there is something far more important than genes that determines one’s health reality. It is the environment that surrounds the gene which allows or disallows genetic expression. Revolutionary? Not so much.
In the 19th century French physiologist Claude Bernard stressed how the “terrain is everything”. He was right. From that time up through the genome project and into the 21st century, the work of cell biologists is providing new ways of understanding health and healing that are moving us to look beyond genetics for answers. Genetic mapping is one thing, taking the trip or not is another.

There is an osteopathic maxim that says “The Rule of the Artery Reigns Supreme.”
A Flow System principle of that rule: blood is a colloidal suspension under the control of zeta potential.
Knowing exactly what that means hands you the first of a set of many keys to solving health cares biggest issues.
The concepts outlined here are so fundamental in human biology we call them the ABCs of health.
Did you learn these ABCs in school?
You are an electrical being. Every activity in your body happens because of the movement of electrons. It is the minerals that you get from the food that you eat that gives you the foundation that you need to support your electrical life processes. Minerals=electricity and it is electricity that runs your body.
In the electrical repair business, if you had a radio that was not functioning, the first thing that the repair man would investigate is the POWER that runs the radio. There has to be electricity put to the circuits—and not too much or too little. The same reasoning can be practically applied to the human condition.
Electricity—by way of electrolytes—can be too much or too little for optimal physiological function. If so, it can alter all forms of measurement from simple pH readings to blood pressures and pulse. Flow Systems Auditing looks at specific mechanical measures of blood pressure, pulse, and specific electrical measures of urine and saliva to gain insights into your body’s “power” system. This is critical to know because just like the electrical repairman, if he were to fix something down the line without first investigating the power situation up front, he could blow up a circuit or completely fail to fix the problem at the source.
Physiologically, if your power system is out of whack it could mean many things.

Vortex—Flow of Life
The fluid compartment of the blood is a dynamo of activity of 19 suspended major and minor minerals and more. It’s a colloidal suspension of dynamic proportion under the control of zeta potential.
The applied knowledge of biophysics inherent in Flow Auditing brings new understanding to anions, cations, and the vortex flow of the blood’s fluid movement for the utmost in cardiovascular wellness.
Texts for further understanding:
The Control of Colloid Stability through Zeta Potential. Thomas Riddick.
Disease Reprieve. T.C. McDaniel, D.O.
The papers of Rudolph Steiner on the heart, not as a pump, but as a fluid vortex control mechanism.
The above information forms a foundation to lay upon basic medical and nursing skill books on fluid and electrolyte control.

Your body is a unique electrical and biological flow system. The diagram above could be called the ground matrix of this flow system—it represents the activity at the cellular level of your body where all things happen and can exist either in a state of optimal function, or not. From the blood stream that carries inbound oxygen and nutrients to every cell to outbound carbon dioxide and wastes, electrons traverse from the blood to the interstitial (in-between) spaces around the cell to the inside of the cell and back out again. It is a constant ebb and flow. This ebb and flow establishes the circadian rhythm of your life. The most important regulator of this circadian rhythm is the dynamic makeup of the membrane of the cell itself.
We Live in Circadian Rhythm – We are Bipolar & DiPhasic

Membrane or Membrain
Yes we have a brain in our heads. There are also 50 trillion cells in our biology that have a unique lipid structure that is enmeshed with receptor proteins. Yep, it’s 50 trillion cells that make up who we are and also determine how we experience our environment. You might call it the mem-brain collective.
Texts for further understanding:
Research in Physiopathology as Basis of Guided Chemotherapy, with Special Application to Cancer. Emanuel Revici, M.D.
The Doctor Who Cures Cancer. William Kelley Eidem (on the life of Emanuel Revici)
A Bipolar Theory of Living Processes. George W. Crile, M.D.
Life at the Cell and Below-Cell Level. Gilbert N. Ling
Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life; and, The Fourth Phase of Water. Gerald Pollack.
The Lipid Papers of Ray Peat.
Cell membranes are composed of lipids (fats). These are further broken down into fatty acids and sterols and due to their specific electrical charge nature, these fats arrange themselves a bit differently in the membrane structure. When properly balanced, communication and physiological events happen in balance. A simplistic view of a membrane surface with a lipid orientation of balance between negatively charged fatty acids and positively charged sterols is shown here.

When a quantitative issue arises of excess sterol activity vs. fatty acid activity at the membrane level, or a qualitative issue of fat dynamics (good fats vs. bad fats) arises (either due to diet or other mitigating circumstances), cell membranes can become locked up and physiological events go askew.
This locked up state predisposes one to see an overly anabolic and more anaerobic (without oxygen) cell process occurring. It changes the type and distribution of water in the system and the exchange of intra and extracellular minerals. Potassium as just one example will be high inside the cell, but low in the serum.
Notice below how the lipid makeup and orientation changes membrane dynamics and flow into and out of the cell. This alteration in flow will affect everything going on at a tissue level. And if there are any symptoms or conditions manifesting in a client, there will always be issues with the tissues.

Just the opposite can occur when a quantitative issue arises of excess fatty acid activity vs. sterol activity at the membrane level, or a qualitative issue arises. Cell membranes can become too porous and physiological events go askew.
The cell membrane in this instance becomes too permeable. Potassium was just one element shown in the prior example, but potassium under this situation it can read normal in the serum, but it is actually low inside the cell. That affects sodium which can more easily traverse to the intracellular space, and where sodium goes, water follows. This affects internal cellular communication, external coordination, alters water type and distribution. This more open membrane state predisposes one to see an overly catabolic and dysaerobic (oxygen out of control) issue occurring with cellular processes. Here is how we might diagram the catabolic membrane state.

Specific Flow System measures of urine and saliva – like pH, specific gravity, electrical conductivity – along with blood pressure, pulse, temperature and more, can begin to point out the state of the cells membranes which begins to define the circadian rhythm at work, which begins to define the operation of the cells, which begins to define the why of any issues with the tissues—which ultimately is a key factor driving symptoms, conditions & diseases into manifestation.
When you know that and this, you begin to understand how to reverse processes that brought about dysfunctions in the first place, and instead of treating with palliative measures alone which don’t offer real repair, you get to be like a mechanic and actually fix the car. Here is a very short list of some of the influence membrane lipid balance alone can affect:

Mitochondria is an intracellular bacteria which possesses a mechanism (the krebs cycle) whose end-
Positively and negatively charged mineral components establish the “power” to do work (terrain key #1 in our ABCs of health). In the process of working they traverse membranes between fluid compartments (terrain key #2) and establish proper equilibrium to create an internal environment inside the cell that supports mitochondrial function which directly delivers energy that drives your very being (which is terrain key #3).
ATP = The Energy that Runs Your Body
FAT & SUGAR is the fuel that mitochondria uses to generate ATP.
The beta-
The tricarboxylic acid metabolic pathway uses carbohydrates.
If the internal cellular environment goes askew in energy production and the mitochondria falls short in being able to utilize fat or sugar in your diet, then the energy which runs every cell in your body suffers. This can first and foremost, effect brain function at many levels. Next it can effect energy for everyday tasks. It can compromise immune function. It can shift cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, body temperature and more.

Cellular Currency
Mitochondria produces the cellular currency that makes “life” happen at the cell level which ultimately is all about the 50 trillion cells of what is you.
While problems with terrain key #1 can kill in a heartbeat, and terrain key #2 is all about issues with the tissues, it’s terrain key #3 that can make life a joy with abundant energy or a miserable road to hoe with all manner of problems that arise when cell energy goes low.
Texts for more understanding:
Nutrition and Your Mind, the Psychochemical Response. George Watson, Ph.D. (This one is probably the singularly most important book for all psychology and psychiatric students that schools have never offered for study.)
Body, Mind, and Sugar. E.M. Abrahamson, M.D.
Body Chemistry in Health and Disease. Melvin Page, DDS

The ANS Dynamic
The Autonomic Nervous System encompasses your sympathetic and parasympathetic response mechanisms. Sympathetic has been called the fight or flight response and parasympathetic the rest and digest. When imbalances occur here, it can lead to all sorts of issues, not the least of which are physical responses related to disturbances in body temperature, pupil size, salivary output, vascular constriction, digestion, asthma and allergies to name a few.
The pH Dynamic
Hydrogen. The most plentiful element. 91% of everything in your body combines with it in some way. It is measured on a pH scale and when hydrogen goes in one direction its measure is called acid and if it goes in another, alkaline. pH is like the tail of a big biochemical dog. Homeostatic controls 1 thru 4 are what move that tail to and fro and Flow Systems Auditing uncovers those connections helping you to master your body’s acid and alkaline balance.
Prioritization in Practice
While homeostatic controls 4 & 5 are lower in number, they are no less important than controls 1 thru 3. However, balancing what is above often corrects that which is below.
The pivotal textbooks previously mentioned along with some other key texts supply the right information.
Assimilated within the proper context, it provides a guide to measure and manage the biological individuality of the person now, versus throwing them into the idea of the day to see what works. This is Flow System Auditing, a new wellness paradigm for the 21st century.
You’ve just gone through the ABCs of Flow System Auditing.
It is a logical and science based approach to sorting out exactly why people are either healthy or not.
It is what health care should be, can be, and will be when you become engaged.
Flow Systems Auditing - The Mind/Body Perspective
While one can engage the mind in understanding more about health by taking that fantastic voyage into the living blood, and dynamically assist homeostatic controls for balance, the power of innate intelligence at known and unknown levels to assist in the quest for health cannot be denied. It is here where practitioners of Flow Systems Auditing may bring special tools to help integrate hemispheric brain function, help establish brain/body communication at new levels, and assist in letting the client experience all that “flow” really means.
Learn more about Flow Systems Auditing at every Biomedx live hands-on workshop.