Take Your Health Education to Another Level.
Engage our Q-Collective.
It's the...
aspects of health that can super-charge your practice or health education knowledge base. These three perspectives are embedded in our programs and form a process of how to uniquely “think through” health in the human condition and address concerns in new ways.
In our hands-on workshop we engage you to learn and understand certain principles of diverse sciences wherein you can tap into this collective to gain powerful client tool-sets and solutions to effectively address today’s pressing health care issues along with exciting your clients with their own self-motivation to be healthy.
Our workshops are intense, fun, thorough, all-encompassing and offer a one of a kind experience.
- Live Blood Analysis Training as Live Cell Qualitative Auditing gives you the “biological” picture
- Biological Terrain Analysis as Quantitative Flow System Auditing gives you the “homeostatic” numbers
- Behind the picture and the numbers is the periodic table of the elements and geometry and resonance giving you insight to light and sound and a quantumtative perspective of how to apply new tools for healing. Water, frequency/ vibration, color, electricity, magnetism, intuition, breath, mind, direction….
Come and Explore!
Discover tools that excite and empower health understanding.
Gain client compliance like never before.
Think through health with knowledge that extends medical, naturopathic, and other health school perspectives.
Assimilate it once, own it for life.
Put it all into place to help you create your dream practice and the success that flows from it.
Our Training Facility
The Biotorium is our hands-on learning center to explore wellness from these unique perspectives.
Principles often overlooked in the healing arts come to the forefront at the Biomedx educational workshops. This can engender a new passion for health with an entirely unique way of seeing things and doing things based on practical, applied science.
From long-time health practitioners to fresh health school graduates and wellness newbies, workshops at the Biotorium ignite the neurons with special tools, technology and thought processes that can engage a new health practice for success or re-engage an old-timer wanting a new direction.

The focus is on wellness.
The experience is hands-on.
The action is health advocacy.
The motion is you.

We hold to the premise that:
Health in the physical body is spiritually/vibrationally induced, chemically/ electrically driven, & biologically carried out.
From our workshop text:
“How You Rot & Rust.”
The microscope is core to understanding human biology and health so we provide an empowering curriculum to learn Live Blood Microscopy, Dry Layer & Clot Retraction Pathology, Gingival, Saliva & Urine Screening and more in our Health Foundations Workshop.
Being part of a group of excited and passionate learners engaged in stretching the boundaries of health care in new ways.
From pH chemistry to colloid science to epigenetics to quantum physics, this course delves into learning the real time, right now, situational physiology as observed in living blood and more using Biomedx high powered HD biological video microscopes and auditing tools.
Provides a solid grounding to begin a new health oriented career or to empower an old one with new and powerful health advocacy skills. Our 38 hour hands-
In our workshops we learn how to see the picture, get the numbers, and empower health regeneration.
What fun!
What We Call Flow Systems Auditing…
…is the fast track to understanding biological terrain and getting a firm grip on functional medicine. This material is weaved through our core health foundations course teaching use of simple tools and methods to measure physiology through the body’s own natural feedback mechanisms in order to dynamically manage health; because you can’t manage what you don’t measure!
Why do we call it “Flow”? Because indeed the body is a unique electrical and biological flow system. From the blood, to the tissue, to the innards of every cell in your body, the flow of life moves with the flow of protons and electrons.
You are a biological and electric wonder. There is a lot going on, and what is going on can be observed, measured, and managed for optimal wellness in new ways. It’s Flow Systems Auditing and it’s a quantitative core to our program.

This process is not about diagnosing or treating symptoms, conditions or diseases, but instead about applying scientific realities and known safe pathways to reestablish and strengthen adaptive capacity. This in turn supports the body’s natural ability to self-
The Where, When, What, & Cost of Our Workshops
Where: Workshops are held at our Biotorium, 2 miles north of Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. We have no other class locations.
When: Generally a few times through the year with an extended time between sessions during the winter holidays. Upcoming workshops will be found in the "Events" menu item above.
What: We cover live cell biological imaging and morphological study to provide a foundation to learn and understand certain life fundamentals and processes and how these aspects unfold in health. In doing this we use our advanced video microscope systems so you also learn microscope technology and how to appropriately use them in a health care practice or elsewhere. We cover pH and conductivity meters, refractometers, dipsticks and more putting it into a bioinformatics framework for targeted biological terrain reviews. This core approach dynamically looks into and measures one's state of adaptive capacity and homeostatic control for health. As a jumping off point, this foundation leads to novel approaches in thinking through physiology in new ways and how to incorporate new toolsets - from base mineral to quantum energetic - to empower a results oriented health care practice, employee work environment, or in the family home.
Cost: $1000. Covers lab fee, lunch for 3 days, 35 live class contact hours over 3.5 days. All individuals must be Biomedx VIP members of our online learning platform as all workshop and pre-class study material is located on that site. If you are not yet a member, cost for lifetime membership is $997. See edu.biomedx.com from above EDU link for more info on this dynamic platform.
Hotel: Our corporate rate with the area hotel is $80 to $120 per night depending on season.
Transport: All ground transportation to and from our main hotel to our location is covered by the hotel and if you choose to walk, it is just a 5 block stroll through a family friendly neighborhood. It is just 10-15 minutes from the airport so it's an easy taxi ride and fare from there. (The airport code is ORD, Chicago O'hare International Airport.)
Food: Continental breakfast is served at the hotel, lunch is included each full workshop day. Restaurants are in the area within easy walking distance.
Sign Up: All class sign up is done via a registration form. This is a PDF online fillable form or print it out as a hard copy.
Who can take a class: We do not discriminate against those with title vs. no title behind their name as we teach individuals, not the title. If you are drawn to and resonate with this work, you are welcome to attend. We have extensive pre-study to gear anyone up as needed to come to a workshop.
Private: All workshops are private and not public events. Individuals attend under retained right and private contractual agreement.
Get Notice: You need to be on our subscriber list to get notice of workshops and the registration links if you are interested in attending. If you are not on it, click “SUBSCRIBE” above.
Full Class Agenda
This is the Curriculum for Class at the Biotorium. Elements on the agenda are subject to change from time to time and class to class.
What People Think About Our Program
Here's what they were saying years ago...

And still saying a bit more recently ...

One Person at a Time, We’re Helping to Connect the World to a New Paradigm for Health

Besides the USA, people from the following countries have attended a Biomedx workshop:
Argentina Australia Barbados Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada Costa Rica Denmark Dominca England France Germany Guatamala Iceland Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Kuwait Luxemburg Malta Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Papua New Guinea Philippines Portugal Puerto Rico Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa South Korea Spain St. Lucia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania Thailand Trinidad Turkey Uruguay
Perhaps your country will be next on the list.