It’s in the Blood

Last newsletter I talked about a situation in one particular hospital and how the insurance companies were seeming to dictate to a degree the protocols that must be used for various health issues.

Some might say that this is health care by the numbers. In a sense it is, it’s just about the numbers that have to do with dollars.

Like, how do more of those dollars get extracted from your pocket and into the pocket of those providing the fix. And fix here would be the right word – as the “fix” is in. It’s been a long time in the making and has a rich history.

Back in Time…

1518 to be exact, the Royal College of Physicians was founded. The college in this sense wasn’t a school but more a professional association. It was a craft guild. The purpose was to control anyone in the medical craft in and around London that they allowed to practice. They regulated this through licensing.

Surgeons were limited to surgery, the apothecaries could only make and dispense drugs, etc. Anyone who tried to offer a medical service that was not in the guild was prosecuted.

Physicians were different than surgeons. Physicians dealt with internal medicine, diagnosing and treating disease, surgeons on the other hand were body mechanics. If there was something wrong with the skin, a bone, a wound – if it needed repair – that was the domain of the surgeon. Physicians and surgeons were always defending what they saw as their own turf.

Problem was, the needs of the people far surpassed what they could offer and many from outside their ranks stepped in to fill the need. Well when you want to control, sometimes you have to get creative and…

Join Ranks.

Bloodletting was one of the crafts of the surgeon. The surgeons, seeing a mechanic in the barber, joined ranks with them in a craft union called the United Barber-Surgeons Company. (Actually barbers were involved in surgery for a long time before that. Going back to the mid 1100’s, the church had banned the clergy from doing surgery and designated that job to the surgeons and barbers.)

When the Barber-Surgeons Company came to be, the advertisement between the barber and the surgeon changed a bit, or more precisely, it was the colors on their poles that changed. A pole in front of the shop told you the identity of the craftsman, a blue and white striped pole for a barber, a red and white striped pole for a surgeon.

Not too long ago, if you walked past most barber shops you might see a pole out front. This of course tells you you just found a barber. But a long long time ago, it told you that you found a barber-surgeon that did bloodletting. The pole was actually a replica of a smaller version, sometimes mounted on the end of the arm of a barber chair that you could grip when having your bloodletting done.

Mmm, kind of reminds me of Sweeney Todd, that Demon Barber of Fleet Street. I guess that’s one barber that couldn’t get enough surgery.

William Harvey and the Mechanics of the Heart.

This is what I was recently reading that referenced the story of the Barbers-Surgeon Company that brought this whole thing up. It was actually the mechanics of the heart that I was thinking about that brings us back to the original story in the last newsletter.

What is called heart disease is the number one killer today. Avoiding it, and a round in the hospital because of it, is a worthy goal.

The question health practitioners often have is, how do you empower your clients to understand the gravity of the situation?

Well, you can show them some medical bills of people that found themselves in this situation, or, you can show them their blood, live before their eyes in real time on a big screen HDTV. You might say it’s a different kind of bloodletting. One finger stick and a whole story can unfold.

Will this get their attention? (Not the bloodletting – the picture!) You betcha.
Without doubt, there are strong markers that appear in live blood that can tell you that a situation is dire.

Live-Cell Imaging in the Mainstream

Opening a recent bio-imaging trade journal there was an article on Live-Cell Imaging.

In part;

“Live-cell imaging has enabled us to witness incredible moments in biology in unprecedented detail… questions of why diseases take hold and progress are a major driving force pushing scientists to improve live-cell imaging techniques.”

The article goes on to discuss some of the latest high tech imaging modalities and data processes being used in the labs today.

And yet for all this high level gear and talk, it was back in the 1970’s when cell hematologist Marcel Bessis produced a number of textbooks on live cell imaging using the very same processes, types of microscopes, and the technology we use at Biomedx today.

And what do we glean from this technology?


Insight into why people are having problems with their health that seems to escape many other health care practitioners. Certainly it seems to escape many in the present day medical guilds.

It’s In the Blood

Yes there is something real to live-cell imaging. And it’s not just what is being discussed in bio-technology circles or trade magazines. It is what you can be doing right now in your practice.

I had a recent conversation that was quite interesting from the standpoint of the power the microscope has to deliver actionable information for the client.
In our workshops we have a parasitologist join us on day three to introduce his work in parasitology.

After one class, a microscopist took that information to heart and with a recent series of clients, decided to do a specific check for parasite markers that the blood can reveal under the microscope. There were 20 clients. Using this technique with all of them and grouping them together for timing, every single one showed positive parasite markers. These are markers that were seen in the blood under the microscope. Not the stool, not the urine, but the blood. You might say 20 out of 20 sounds impossibly high and it could not possibly be. And what’s blood got to do with what might be hiding in your gut anyway?

Well, 20 fecal samples later sent off for detailed hard core lab parasitology studies resulted in…. 20 lab positive confirmed cases of parasites. All of them. How were they first detected? Every single one had markers in the blood as seen under the microscope. Sit back for a moment and think about that. It is actually pretty incredible.

Note also that this was not a third world country in the tropics. This was right here in the states.

What kind of issues does this type of infection present to the client?

Well, by-products of parasites are toxins. Infections and the toxins that ensue are a load on the immuno-neuro-endocrine system. This system can wreak havoc on the autonomic nervous system which in turn touches everything. Every manner of weird health presentation, symptoms and conditions that don’t fit convenient diagnostic modalities, problems that come and go and vacillate and oscillate.

So though you can study the chemistry of a person and test and make measures, balancing an individual with this kind of stress is going to be a lot harder to overcome until that stress is eliminated. How do you find that stress to begin with?

Look into the microscope. There is so much to see and the picture can tell a whole story.

When you find the story on the stress, then then you can get down to eliminating it. Sweeney Todd says just send the clients over to him and he’ll fix it.

Okay no we won’t do that. But we will say, if you come to our next Biomedx workshop, you’ll begin to learn the power of this tool and what live-cell imaging has to offer you and your practice to take it to a whole new level.

And oh, when you come to our program, you can leave your scissors at home.

Be Your Healthy Best.

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