Virus Fears and a Take from Dr. Emanuel Revici

With everything going on perhaps we should cover some viral issues as we understand them from the perspectives of Dr. Emanuel Revici. You may a recall that he was the medical doctor Albert Eistein referred to as a genius.

As you know, at least if you have been following this blog over the years or taken a workshop, we humans are diphasic beings.

We are a composite of forces both Yin and Yang.

We are ruled to an extent by circadian rhythms whose ebb and flow is or can be controlled to an extent through our lipid physiology.

By that I mean every cell in our body has a lipid membrane. There is more to that perspective than most people realize – including most every doctor practicing medicine today. This lack of perspective can lead to some blind spots in care.

To partially open some perspective on lipids, and take us to another level of understanding viral conditions, we need to lay some groundwork.

We can say that there are essentially two broad categories of lipids that concern us, these are fatty acids and sterols.

Fats themselves are a chain of carbon atoms, and with fatty acids, there is a negatively charged fatty acid end to those carbons. With sterols the chain of carbons has a positively charged sterol end.

This is quite important as it is that difference in charge that accounts for the structural orientation of those carbon chains in a cell membrane wall.

Fatty acids have a perpendicular orientation where the negative ends face outwards and inwards in membrane structure and sterols with its positive ends will have a parallel orientation.

Now imagine a cell membrane with all fatty acid components where all the carbon atoms are lined up in a perpendicular orientation, kind of like pickets in a fence. The problem with a fully fatty acid cell membrane however is the gaps between the pickets, things can easily move through the gaps leaving, in this case, a cell that is far too permeable.

With excess permeability in a cell wall structure, minerals like potassium inside the cell will find it easy to move outside the cell. When that happens, the tissues become overly alkaline. A mineral like sodium which generally stays outside the cell, finds it easier to move into the cell. And where sodium goes, water tends to follow.

A cell would not survive if its only fat in its membrane were a fatty acid. It would bubble in a caustic bath of alkalinity, age very quickly, and it would expand with water beyond its ability to function.

This is practical yin and yang at play. Negative fatty acids in a cell membrane need to be balanced with positive sterols.

In our analogy, the pickets of our fence, fatty acids, need a balance of crossplanks, sterols, to limit permeability.

Imagine a cell membrane makeup that was all sterols. It would be like a solid plank wall where nothing could get in or get out. That would lead to a range of issues that are the polar opposite of a cell membrane made up of all fatty acids. In life there is not much that is all one way or another, and where cell membranes are concerned, yin and yang, fatty acids and sterols, need to be in balance for perfect function.

But as lifestyle, diet, habits, exposure to pathogens, toxins, and what not effect us one way or another, that one way or another impacts our cell’s membranes and our resulting physiology one way or another as well.

And this is where it gets very interesting.

Viruses of all nature abound.

But how is it some of us get sick when we are exposed, and some of us don’t?

Yes we have immune factors at play. B cells recognizing antigens, T cells mounting humoral and cell mediated responses.

But there is also the little recognized “shields up” and “shields down” immune factor which is a reflection of one aspect of the body’s lipidic defense system.

I use the term shields up to get across the idea of a cell with an overly sterol disposition that tends to be a bit impermeable. Shields down is the fatty acid opposite.

In practice we see the effects of excess sterol activity to be of an anaerobic nature. As such we see clues to this state through physiological measurements. Ditto with excess fatty acid activity with its dysaerobic nature with measures in the other direction.

I won’t get into all those measures but will look at only one, that being the pH of urine.

When a virus gets ahold of someone, you will often see a rise in urine pH to very high levels, like 7.0 or 7.2 or even higher. (Urine pH in a healthy state will tend to oscillate around pH of 6.2. As an aside, saliva around 6.8.)

Generally the higher the urine pH moves, the worse a person feels.

Emanuel Revici understood lipids, lipid defense mechanisms, the influence of fatty acids and sterols on health, aging, cancer and much more, including the movement of pH in relationship to the influence of all these things. His understanding was beyond most practicing physicians of his time – or since.

Let’s look simplistically at a virus.

A virus is an engineer. It gets into the cells and it does its little engineering feat of replicating itself. That is what it wants to do. In its process of doing its replication, it wants to steer clear of the body’s immune system otherwise it will get taken out.

Viruses are very small. Now imagine a very tiny virus gets inside a cell which has an excess of sterols versus fatty acids.

Is the virus happy? Yes it is. Why? It has a kind of natural protection from the body’s immune system as that cell’s excess sterol makeup gives it a ‘shields up’ disposition. The cell, being more impermeable, provides anything inside better protection from being attacked by the immune system.

The thing about viruses when they are at play in the body, is they tend to want to have their way with you. People that come under the influence of a virus will often see their cells move in the shields up direction, possibly due to some mechanism in virus action that push it in this direction. They will also see their urine pH rise up as well.

The lipid defense system and see an opposing action by flooding the body with fatty acids. From an anabolic/catabolic perspective, this effect pushes a person strongly catabolic.

Revici Presents a Viral Solution

It was in November of 1981 when he was granted a patent for his ‘Method of Treating the Clinical Manifestation of Viral Diseases’ and in April of 1985 a patent for ‘Virucidal Compositions and Therapy’.

A quick look at a segment of the first patent’s claims reads as follows:

“A method of treating or alleviating the clinical manifestations of viral diseases which exhibit local alkalosis, said manifestations including rhinorrhea, tracheal or bronchial secretions, which comprises internally administering to a patient having said viral disease a sufficient amount of a non-toxic, water soluble acidic ammonium salt of phosphoric acid or sulfuric acid to effectively neutralize the alkalosis and eliminate or alleviate said clinical manifestations.”

Revici knew that as a marker to a virus getting a hold of someone, you may see their urine pH push alkaline, they will feel miserable, and their body may respond with various secretions. He also knew that if you used certain ammonium salts while monitoring urine pH to simply push that urine pH down, tremendous relief would be provided JUST FROM THAT ALONE!

And so it is. And that was the essential basis of this one patent.

Revici was using mono-ammonium phosphate, administered orally, anywhere from one to three grams every half hour for viral conditions.

Result? People would still have the virus, but while their immune systems were fighting it, THEIR SYMPTOMS WERE RADICALLY REDUCED!

They could breathe, they weren’t in bed, they could move around normally and get work done.

Enter Covid-19.

A virus. Some people who are exposed to this get sick. Some don’t. Some show no symptoms at all, yet they are still infected.


I think, if you ponder what is written here, there may be some clues. If you dig into Revici’s patents mentioned above, you will find more clues.

If you come to the next Biomedx workshop at the Biotorium, you will find even more clues along with learning more ways to measure things that no one is talking about to help you figure out issues and solutions that all the “experts” are scratching their heads over.

Speaking of scratching heads…

Perhaps you’ve been scratching yours asking ‘where will I get some mono-ammonium phosphate?’

Think about this: We have charts in class that show what you can use to push pH of urine down. Can you guess what is there besides mono-ammonium phosphate?

You might have guessed ascorbic acid. And yes, this will indeed push urine pH down. We know when someone has high urine pH and they simply push that pH down with ascorbic acid, they can feel great relief just in getting their urine pH down to an acceptable range.

There is a lot more to this as when pH inverts (urine high and saliva low) it is representative of energy/ion flow going in the wrong direction, but irrespective of the ‘lot more’ to this, knowing how to push urine pH down for the right reasons when it is excessively high can be very helpful.

So a question arises: can you replicate Revici’s method of treating clinical manifestations of viral diseases as effectively with ascorbic acid and he was doing with mono-ammonium phosphate? At one to three grams every half hour?

I’ll let you ponder that.

Oh, and as you’ve heard before, you can’t manage what you don’t measure so monitoring urine pH while you are attempting to push urine pH down is something you would be doing during any process you might be trying along these lines.


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