At the physical level, disease and aging of the body is all about rotting and rusting. The rot is an underlying biological mechanism inherent in all earthly species and the rust is an oxidative process. Here we present some educational concepts with out-takes from our pre-training workshop.
Note that this information often needs to be considered in the context of a broader picture which is lacking in this post. Also, the benefit of classroom clarification is missing in the static word. Much of the material here has been simplified for the purposes of a stylistic presentation to get across some basic concepts that when pondered and applied to the wellness efforts of the average person, will begin to set the stage for making better health decisions.
It would be wise that when those decisions need to be made, the individual making those decisions takes the responsibility to act appropriately and find the answers that are right for them using competent resources. For example, in this material there may be reference to ideas that are just the start of something, but there is much more to know.
Take the discussion of pH which is very basic and where “acid” tissue pH is said to be “bad”. Many get the idea that if that is the case, then to do everything possible to “alkalize” the body is good, missing the point that homeostatic mechanisms in the body work in balance, and while “acid” in certain contexts indeed might be “bad”, the flip side of too much alkalinity can be equally devastating to one’s state of health.
Nevertheless the discussion and ideas presented here are meant to impart a little bit of mental stirring and perhaps a few ideas that will spur you to dig deeper.
We’ll begin this discussion with pH.
The pH balance of the human bloodstream is recognized by all medical physiology texts as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of human body chemistry.
pH is the acronym for “Potential Hydrogen”. In definition, it is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. It is measured on a logarithmic scale, basically from 0 to 14. Higher numbers means a substance is more alkaline in nature and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. Lower numbers indicate more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions.
Our body pH at various levels of our body’s fluid organization is very important because pH controls the speed of our body’s biochemical reactions. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body.
The higher (more alkaline) the pH of a substance or solution, the more electrical resistance that substance or solution holds. Therefore, electricity sees more resistance to travel with higher pH.
All biochemical reactions and electrical (life) energy are under pH control.
If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is in a sense hot and fast. As an example, look at the battery of your car. It’s an acid battery. On cold days you want it to be hot and ready, and you want your car to start fast.
Alkaline pH on the other hand, biochemically speaking, might be likened to slow and cool. Compare it to an alkaline battery in a flashlight. You want that battery to be cool, and to burn out slowly.
Here is an example of how pH can control. Look around you at society in general. Do you see people getting exhausted and burned out? Quick to anger? Unsetteled minds? Overweight? In part it could be due to the fact that people today are running too “hot and fast” in key fluid biological compartments of their body. On the flip side, they could also be running too cool and slow.
How did we get here? We guzzle coffee for breakfast, donuts for brunch, fries for lunch, wash it down with king size colas, and end the day with microwaved grub or pizza for dinner. Or, we buy into the latest diet ideas that are just not right for our biological individuality. This onslaught of questionable dietary choices leads to the second part of the pH and digestive metabolic equation. pH is under the direct control of what we put into our mouths. Kind of makes sense doesn’t it?
What we eat and drink will impact where our body’s pH level falls, and our body’s pH will control the activity of every metabolic function happening in our body.
pH is behind the body’s electrical system and intracellular activity as well as the way our bodies utilize enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. That is why pH is one of the first things to be looked at if you are experiencing unbalance in your body in any way, shape, or form. And since our body’s pH level is a direct result of what we eat and drink, anytime we are experiencing imbalance, we need to look at what we have historically been eating and drinking because this impacts our pH. It’s a circle. You can’t look at one without looking at the other.
What we eat and drink is directly tied to the functioning of our digestive system. From our mouth through our small intestines and through our colon, that system plays the most important part in our physical well being. This system, what we feed it, and how it impacts our pH, is a core element that determines whether we have dynamicaly great health or not. At one level it can be as simple as this.
Now you may be thinking that all of this makes perfect sense. You might think that modern medicine could look at it, put two and two together and just bring people back into balance through the food that they eat.
Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine.
Let medicine be your food.”
If it were only so simple. Modern medicine has gotten to where it is today in part through a scientific and philosophical debate that culminated in the 19th century. On one side of the debate was French microbiologist Antoine Bechamp. On the other side was French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Bechamp and Pasteur strongly disagreed in their bacteriological theories. They argued heatedly about who was correct. It was…
The Argument that Changed the Course of Medicine.
Pasteur promoted a theory of disease that described non-
Bechamp held the view that microorganisms can go through different stages of development and they can evolve into various growth forms within their life cycle. This is the theory of pleomorphism. He observed microbe like particles in the blood which he called microzymas. These microbes would change shape as individuals became diseased, and for Bechamp, this was the cause of disease; hence disease comes from inside the body.
Here is an example of how pH can control. Look around you at society in general. Do you see people getting exhausted and burned out? Quick to anger? Unsetteled minds? Overweight? In part it could be due to the fact that people today are running too “hot and fast” in key fluid biological compartments of their body. On the flip side, they could also be running too cool and slow.
How did we get here? We guzzle coffee for breakfast, donuts for brunch, fries for lunch, wash it down with king size colas, and end the day with microwaved grub or pizza for dinner. Or, we buy into the latest diet ideas that are just not right for our biological individuality. This onslaught of questionable dietary choices leads to the second part of the pH and digestive metabolic equation. pH is under the direct control of what we put into our mouths. Kind of makes sense doesn’t it?
Another scientist of the day, Claude Bernard, entered into the argument and said that it was actually the “milieu” or the environment that is all important to the disease process. Microbes do change and evolve, but how they do so is a result of the environment (or terrain) to which they are exposed. Hence, for Bechamp, microbes, being pleomorphic, will change according to the environment to which they are exposed. Therefore, disease in the body, as a biological process, will develop and manifest dependent upon the state of the internal biological terrain. At the core of that terrain, is pH.
Both men acknowledged certain aspects of each other’s research, but it Pasteur was the stronger, more flamboyant, and more vocal opponent when compared to the quiet Bechamp. Pasteur also came from wealth and had the right family connections. He went to great lengths to disprove Bechamp’s view. Pasteur eventually managed to convince the scientific community that his view alone was correct. Bechamp felt that this diverted science down a deplorable road –
On his deathbed, Pasteur finally acknowledged Bechamp’s work and said, “Bernard was correct: the microbe is nothing: the terrain is everything.” It was a 180 degree turnaround. With his death imminently at hand, he as much as admitted that his germ theory had flaws. But his admission fell on deaf ears. It was far too late. It could not reverse the inertia of ideas that had already been accepted by mainstream science at that time. Allopathic (drug based) medicine was firmly entrenched on the road that was paved by Pasteur.
The result of that road is what you see today practiced as medicine. When a body is out of balance, doctors attempt to put it back into balance, first through drugs, then through surgery. The general effect is to remove the symptoms, not to deal with the ultimate cause of the ailment.
Fortunately there have been and are today scientists who have continued along the other road –
For example, the American medical establishment rarely looks at live blood. Their practice of staining blood with chemicals kills it. It also kills the ability to really “see” what is going on. But in looking at live blood, you can clearly “see” that there are forms that look like bacteria, microorganisms and parasites that not only are in the blood, but that over time can grow and can change their shapes. Some researchers suggest they these forms are markers for pathogenic (disease producing) states. (This ability of microorganisms to change is the concept of pleomorphism we’ve been discussing.) Understanding this concept is essential to the understanding of cancer and its cure, and the cure of many other diseases.
Looking at live blood under a microscope is an incredible learning tool and begins an incredible journey whereby we come to understand that there are dynamic life processes going on every second in our bodies. It is an environment that is an ever changing canvas of life that holds forms that develop and grow and illustrates what some call “the fungus among us.”
Today, researchers who want to observe living blood use standard laboratory microscopes with high magnification that are specially set up to view the blood under “darkfield” or “phase contrast” conditions. With darkfield this means that the blood sample being viewed is actually in front of a dark background and light is being angled onto the blood sample from the sides. Under phase contrast conditions, the light coming through the specimen is shifted slightly out of phase with itself. These techniques allow nearly invisible microorganisms within the blood to be “lit up” and seen. It also clearly delineates the blood cells. This method is in contrast to the standard microscope “brightfield” conditions where light shines directly through the viewed sample.
Using this kind of microscope technology, German bacteriologist Guenther Enderlein (a student of Bechamp) observed tiny microorganism like elements which he called protits. He stated that these tiny elements flourished in the blood cells, in the plasma body fluids, and in the tissues, living in harmony with the body in a symbiotic or mutually beneficial relationship. He considered the protit as one of the body’s smallest, organized, biological units. The most interesting thing about this microorganism is its ability to change and adapt to its environment. It was observed that when there was severe change or deterioration in the body’s internal environment (mostly noted by changes in pH), these elements would pass through several different stages of cyclic development, advancing from harmless agents to disease producing (pathological) bacteria or fungi. His book ‘The Life Cycle of Bacteria’ (Bakterian Cyclogenie) presented his theory. From his research he was able to produce natural biological answers to many of the degenerative disease processes plaguing western civilization today.
Other researchers have continued along a similar path of Enderlein and have promoted their own ideas of these “things in the blood”. Gaston Naessens observed the elemental particle which Enderlein called the protit and he described that it had a life cycle. He called Enderlein’s protit a “somatid”. Naessens believes this protit/somatid predates DNA and carries on genetic activity. It is the first thing that condenses from light energy, and is the link between light and matter.
Virginia Livingston-
Here we have similar ideas from different sources, all doing private research and not publishing in known journals. It is unfortunate that many scientists work in isolation and for one reason or another a lot of information known by one is unknown by the others. Because information is not shared, or given hierarchical credit, many who follow are left in the dark and without the full picture.
Remember that blood is under pH control. Ideally it has a pH in a narrow range around 7.3, which is slightly alkaline. In Enderlein’s theory, a pH around 7.3 is the perfect environment in which the element he called the protit lives in harmony with the body. But when blood pH is disturbed and is shifted out of that narrow range, these tiny elements (which he though of as living microorganisms) can no longer survive. In order to survive, he suggested that they would change to a form which can survive. It is these new forms that he stated can become aggressive, parasitic and pathogenic agents within the blood.
Dr. Enderlein contended there are thousands of forms and many of these are able to overcome the body’s defense mechanisms, causing multiple disease situations.
Some Call it the Kleptic Microbe
Darkfield microscopic studies conducted by Dr. Rudolph Alsleben and Dr. Kurt Donsbach of the Hospital Santa Monica clearly illustrated the proliferation of many diverse elemental forms in the blood of their sick patients. What they observed was the dance of these microbial looking forms in an expansive state and increasing with the pathology of their patients. They called it the ‘kleptic microbe’. Examining their patients live blood revealed many of these microbial looking forms darting to and fro in the blood plasma. The more ill the patient, the more forms observed. The sickest patients had swarming hordes of these forms within the blood, said to be causing great stress to their immune systems. The doctors learned that cleaning the blood of these forms allowed the rejuvenation of the immune system to progress in an orderly and rapid fashion.
Some scientists who spend a lot of time in the laboratory looking at live blood under the microscope often start to wonder about the pleomorphic concept. When they see the changes in the blood taking place and correlate it with the progression of the disease process, many begin to see a pattern unfolding. This has prompted some to state that…
It is an inverted way of eating and living that precipitates a proliferation of the “fungus among us” which debilitates the body and, if not corrected, will ultimately cause our demise.
Looked at in this light it could be said that all illness is but this one constitutional disease, the result is mycotoxicoses –
Fascinating isn’t it? If you begin to understand this concept, you will begin to understand a prime reason why we get sick and how we get sick, and you will realize that much of modern medicine is looking under the wrong stones for answers to many disease questions. They need to be looking at the environmental factors in and around the body itself.
For years now, medicine has considered blood to be a sterile environment. (Things like sepsis not included.) But they’re wrong. Unfortunately, dead wrong for some of their patients.
Blood is not a sterile environment, nor is it a static environment. That environment can change (most notably through diet) and microbial appearing forms in the blood can evolve and change too. The fact is, we can see this type of evolution and change going on throughout all of nature. If you leave a bowl of milk out on the kitchen table for a few days without refrigeration, it will turn sour fairly quickly. Did it turn sour because there was an outside germ that got into the milk? Probably not. It turned sour because tiny microbes already in the milk changed their form to adapt to a changed environment.
The Disease Paradigm Shift
One school of thought (modern medicine) says most disease is caused by germs or some form of static, disease-
The other school of thought (which encompasses most other forms of the healing arts unrelated to mainstream medicine and quite often is battling government) says most disease is caused by some unbalance in the body. The unbalance occurs in some nutritional, electrical, structural, toxicological or biological equation. In order to get well, you need to re-
For the pleomorphic scientists like Enderlein, Naessens, Livingston, and others, disease is in large measure a function of biology. It is a biologically driven event that takes place in the body when metabolic processes are thrown off. These metabolic processes are thrown off largely by dietary, nutritional and environmental factors.
Embracing the biological view gives new insights into the disease process and is truly another paradigm for understanding health.
For some researchers, it all boils down to this…