I’ve been using this phrase for what Biomedx has been teaching for a while now. The Q-Collective refers to our approach where we recognize and work with the quantitative, qualitative, and quantumtative aspects of heath. During the process of tweaking and rearranging things for classes I am forever in a quandry of what element of the Q do I add vs. where in the heck am I going to squeeze that into the program. Alas I’m going to start turning more to to put these things up for workshop alumnus. Join it if you haven’t done it already.
In the last blog post I put in a microscope tip as follows:
“Wrong food, wrong proportions = bad eicosanoids, like thromboxane A2, a potent blood-clotting agent leading to vasoconstriction and platelet clotting. Platelets have a right and wrong time to clot, the wrong time can be seen in the microscope by large platelet clumping and is a clue to an imbalanced unproportioned diet where protein, carbs and fat is concerned.”
Continuing with that idea…
Wrong food, wrong proportions can also be a pointer to an individual having a movement to being more…
This has to do to an extent with the overall oxidation of food; are they leaning to burn carbs or do they have a preference to burn fat. Another way of looking at it is your fast or slow oxidizer paradigm.
What does the microscope say? Well actually it doesn’t say anything, but one of my favorite hematologists, Marcel Bessis did say something about red blood cells and ATP. (Living Blood Cells and Their Ultrastructure.)
ATP of course is what is being delivered from the oxidation of sugar and fat in your food. If one leans glucogenic or ketogenic, one is not manufacturing ATP at a level sufficient to support optimal functioning.
One of the biggest areas to be affected by lowered ATP production, beside overall energy provisioning to run your body, is power to run your brain, where aberrant ATP production has been shown to be the #1 cause of all mental health issues. (George Watson, Nutrition and Your Mind.)
Now I know there is a political insight here but I will refrain other than to say that I am certain that today politicians trump food in being able to bring on mental health issues.
But back to Bessis, what does he say about low ATP production?
As ATP lowers in a system,
Many times when microscopists see warped red blood cells their minds move to oxidative stress and they go in search of the oxidative culprit. Something else to be in search of could be energy, as in, how is the individual producing it?
From a qualitative perspective you might see the picture of blood with warped red cells, from a quantitative perspective you would note breath and hold rates outside the norm, altered saliva pH, urine dipstick markers, blood glucose and A1C out of range.
To recap that for you from a fast/slow oxidizer perspective…
With a fast oxidizer you might see:
Faster breath rate, shorter breath hold, faster pulse, lower BP, lower saliva pH, lower blood sugar, bilirubin on a dipstick, high cholesterol…
With slow oxidizers you might see:
Lower breath rate, longer breath hold, slower pulse, higher BP, higher blood sugar, bilirubin and ketones on a dipstick, high triglycerides…
Is knowing this status important? Well, it can be the difference between dragging the body around in a tired state affecting the mind and overall quality of life in a not so good way vs. having abundant energy, thinking well, and meeting life with gusto.
The best solutions to fix the energy issue derive from taking the qualitative aspects that are “seen” with the quantitative aspects that are “measured” and then connecting the dots to the chemistry and physiology that can be corrected.
Using the old noggin to THINK through what is seen with what is measured moves the health care practitioner to the head of the class.
Today far too many health practitioners look at symptoms and conditions and move right to a prescribing mode of thought. They’re not even in the class.
Matching a symptom or condition to a prescription doesn’t take much thought, it’s opening a book and matching one thing to another. Today that often comes with a “let’s do this and see what happens” mentality.
The overall state of health care in a society falls when Physio-Logical thinking stops.
At a Biomedx workshop thinking through physiology is what we strive to help you do in a dynamic and structured way with unique tools to help you do it. I really want you to move to the head of the class because the world needs practitioners that can think Physio-Logically. I hope you can come.
So, looking at the last blog post and this one, what did we learn?
- Platelet aggregation may be a sign of wrong food, wrong type, unbalanced insulin and glucogon firing off bad eicasanoids.
- Warped red blood cells may be a sign of low ATP production affecting energy provisioning and all that follows that.
- Today politicians are the #1 cause of mental health issues.
(I’m sure you already knew that last one.)