Stealth Adapted Viruses and a Third Energy Pathway

I got a call the other day from Dr. John Martin. He discovered a stealth adapted viral component in a polio vaccine released a while back.

John worked for the FDA’s Bureau of Biologics between 1975-1980, started working on stealth adapted viruses in 1986 with the University of Southern California as a tenured professor, and in 1995 showed that certain of these viruses had arisen from African green monkey simian cytomegalovirus.

Though reported to the FDA and CDC, they turned a blind eye and have actually worked to suppress the information. During this research he also found what is believed to be a completely new energy pathway that rests outside photosynthesis or food metabolism.

It is thought this energy pathway might be a link to dark energy, i.e. chi, the field, aether, etc. Certain markers can be detected in various fluids – like blood – through different means that give clues. Here’s some background from Dr. Martin.

Is There a Third or Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) Pathway?

A provocative new theory has been advanced by W. John Martin, MD, PhD in a recently published book: “Stealth Adapted Viruses, Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) & KELEA Activated Water” (Author House). It is that biological life relies for its cellular energy, not only on photosynthesis by plants and on food metabolism by all life forms, but also on a third type of energy expressed as a dynamic quality of fluids.

This energy appears to be a fundamental force of Nature, possibly needed to prevent opposing electrical charges annihilating each other by fusion. This force, which Martin calls KELEA, for “kinetic energy limiting electrostatic attraction,” can seemingly also reduce the strength of intermolecular hydrogen bonding in various materials, including water. Activated water is, thereby; better able to support various biological activities of cells.

Martin initially proposed the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway in studies on stealth adapted viruses, which are not effectively recognized by the cellular immune system and, therefore, do not cause inflammation. Stealth adaptation is a generic process in which the relatively few components in viruses that are normally directly targeted by the cellular immune system are either deleted or mutated. Martin reported on the culturing of stealth adapted viruses from many tested patients with various neurological and psychiatric illnesses, including children with autism.

A striking feature of the culturing of stealth adapted viruses is the repair of the cytopathic effect (CPE) in cultures in which energy transducing particulate materials are allowed to accumulate. Also remarkable is the marked disruption of mitochondria seen in cells with complex, highly structured inclusions. Martin theorized that the materials, which he termed ACE pigments, were providing an alternative to mitochondria as the major source of cellular energy. Among the energy properties of these materials is ultraviolet light fluorescence, amplified by certain dyes including neutral red.

This latter observation brought to mind the early 1970’s observation of neutral red dye plus broad-spectrum light being effective in suppressing herpes simplex virus (HSV) skin lesions. This procedure was largely discarded by negative results in several studies based on a false assumption as to the mode of action of the neutral red dye.
Dr. Jon Stoneburner was still seeing success using freshly prepared dye and illuminating the dye treated herpes lesions with an ultraviolet (UV) light.

In a collaborative study, Martin and Stonerburner were able to confirm the efficacy of this therapy. Moreover, UV illumination of neutral red dye dissolved in activated water can elicit direct fluorescence and expedited healing of herpes lesions, even when physically separated from the lesions. [Think Einstein’s spooky action at a distance.]

Using a similar approach, UV illumination of activated water plus neutral red dye placed near the skin of children with autism, evoked areas of remarkable direct UV fluorescence, both near the treated area and at more distant sites. The children’s social and cognitive performances improved and, in a well-documented case, previously recurrent seizures in a treated child abated, allowing for the cessation of anti-seizure medications. For reasons not understood at the time, the water lost its effectiveness. Martin has since realized that the less bonded water molecules readily evaporate more leading to a steady loss of dynamic activity.

In preparing activated water, Martin was guided by homeopathy. He had previously shown that a product called HANSI, for homeopathic activator of the system immune, was effective in suppressing the CPE (cytopathic effect) in cultures of stealth adapted viruses. This led the US manufacturer to change the product name to Enercel. Martin also helped design studies in El Salvador confirming the improved clinical outcomes of Enercel treated children, versus control children hospitalized for diarrhea. The Enercel used contained Lidocaine, one of many compounds that Martin has since shown to be able to activate water.

“There is a wealth of information in the field of alternative medicine and in the folklore of farming to support the concept that water can vary in its biological activity” says Martin. While usually attributed to differences in mineral content, the observations are consistent with changes in the structuring of the water.

Many water-activating compounds are dipolar in the sense of having separated positive and negative charges. Examples include humic/fulvic acids, zeolites, mica, magnesium oxide pellets (prills), shungite and others. The challenge for Martin was to devise simple assays for activated water. The first was the dissolving pattern of particles of neutral red dye sprinkled onto the water. At one end of a spectrum, stationary particles slowly dissolve into dye filled circles. In activated water, the particles form long streaks from moving particles, which typically reverse their direction in a too-and-fro fashion.

Another assay is to monitor the weight loss, even in capped containers, from the dynamic release of activated vapor. If placed into sealed, flaccid plastic bags, the bags will gradually expand from the increasing vapor pressure. This effect is especially pronounced in the activated of alcohol containing solutions. It establishes that fluid activation is a continuing process from the proposed absorption of KELEA.

Martin’s hypothesis is that the KELEA is captured by electrical charges and that certain dipolar compounds release the energy into nearby fluids, possibly in an oscillatory manner. The KELEA attracting materials can be added to fluids or even placed in close proximity to the skin. As the hydrogen bonding between the body’s water molecules become loosened, their own freed electrical charges can directly attract additional KELEA. The energy can also be captured and released by various oscillating electrical devices, such as Rife machines and pulsed magnetic devices.

In an important recent study, Martin took water samples to a Laughing Yoga Class conducted by Mr. Sebastien Gendry. The samples clearly showed continuing weight loss from enhanced evaporation for well over a month after the session, compared to no discernable weight loss in control samples. This has fulfilled one of Martin’s hopes that individuals can learn to enhance their own ACE pathway.

As Martin pursues his interests in the physics of KELEA, he wants help to further develop ACE pathway-based therapies. Clinical improvements are to be expected in the myriad of illnesses attributable to an insufficiency of cellular energy obtained from the metabolism of food. These include reduced oxygen delivery, as in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); impaired blood supply as in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; and metabolic disorders, such as diabetes. Infectious diseases and trauma can also increase the energy demands on the body.

All of these conditions should be included in direct comparisons of patients consuming KELEA activated versus regular water. Moreover, it is just as simple for practitioners to prepare KELEA activated water than to rely upon a single source or production method.

Martin’s special interest is still the preventing and if necessary reversing of autism and mental illnesses. Quantitative assessments of improvements in other diseases will be easier to achieve and will lead to refinements in protocols for use in more complex illnesses.

The call is, therefore, going out to practitioners wishing to learn more about the ACE pathway and water activation. Institutional Review Board (IRB) approvals for basic ACE-pathway monitoring and enhancing protocols have or are in the process of being obtained. A repository of results of clinical studies will be established with open access to participating healthcare providers.

Practitioners will also be encouraged to communicate their findings to colleagues and patients, with the goal of creating a widespread understanding of the ACE pathway and how it relates to many related concepts pertaining to the broad field of energy medicine.


Now there’s a whole lot of food for thought.

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