April 3-6, 2025
Workshop Registration/Enrollment
We use a hard copy registration form.
Step 1) Review the information below.
Step 2) Click the PDF Registration Form link.
Step 3) Fill out the form. Electronic version is okay.
Save the filled in form and email it back. Or print the form, fill it in and then scan it and email it back.
Information is on the form.

DO NOT book your flight until you are confirmed as being in the class.
Confirmations of receipt of your registration will generally be sent out within a day or two but at the beginning of registration for a class it could be 7 to 14 days while we gauge registrations coming in. Sometimes classes start slow, sometimes they fill very fast. Seats fill as registration forms are received, our seating is limited.
Once confirmed, you will get an email invite to our online guest app and a workshop tab will appear on your Biomedx EDU learning platform. This will have the details of the workshop like schedule, hotel information, pre-workshop study checklist, housekeeping notes, etc. Lunch is also provided for each full program day so there will be a lunch menu as well.
Briefly: Programs are in Chicago/Des Plaines, 2 miles due north of Chicago O’Hare International Airport, airport code ORD. (Midway airport is on the south side of Chicago, 45 minutes away on a good day. You will need a car if flying there.)
IMPORTANT HOTEL INFO: You will be provided our hotel link to book your room at our reduced group rate. Rate varies depending on days & season. For this April class the rate is $115 per night plus tax which is very good for this area.
Our room block closes March 3 so enroll and book early please.
Our guest hotel is new, modern, and very popular with amenities very close by via short walk. The hotel will be shuttling people back and forth from the hotel to our location. You do not need to rent a car.
More hotel details provided on our guest app and online EDU workshop tab for this class.
If you want to review the class agenda for the program, go to https://biomedx.com/training.
Workshops are private events, not open to the public.
All class material for pre-class study is online at edu.biomedx.com. You need to be enrolled there as a Biomedx VIP member to gain access. The amount of material there is extensive.
You will need to review selected modules of the workshop material before attending the live class. People generally need 2-5 solid days for this review.
There are also video sessions from prior programs you need to watch.
You can certainly come if you don’t get into this material and study it, but you might be slightly disadvantaged attending the workshop. As a recourse, you do have lifetime access to the material and the live program will have laid a foundation for you to get deep into it all moving forward after class.